May 20, 2005


So the new Star Wars movie is out. I'm not there. Meaning, I'm not into the "experience" as many movie goers put it. I remember as a mid teen, watching the first and second (Empire), but after that, and as I got older, with many more things of greater importance, I just kinda lost any interest I had in the whole Star Wars thing. I'm not down on anyone who is, for I know many who just could not wait to attend the very first midnight showing of these latter three (which of course are not the last episodes, but the first or something like that). What's the greatness of going to see a movie at midnight anyway? Just to be the first, and afterwards feel the tiredness for three days? I don't get it. It must because it's in a galaxy far, far away or something. Hey, who ticked off the Sith anyway?


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