September 26, 2005

This Is Political

Man, I'm so tired of people bashing this country and President George. I was listening to am 660 today as I was heading south on Hwy. 75 towards home. They were playing clips of different liberal speakers. Why do so many people that really have no idea of what they may be talking about, open their mouths at a time when they should be supporting America. You know, I'm not on with absolutely everything this administration does, but we have to show SOME support and quit badgering everything that goes on because of political agendas. There are things brewing in this world that we need to come together on. No President is perfect, NO ONE. We've got a lot of strong and brave boys over seas that are doing what this country has asked them to do, and if nothing else let's support them. Without it, they're alone in a strange country with bullets and bombs all around. I'm growing tired of people like Jesse, Sheehan (which by the way was finally arrested yesterday)and all of the Hollywood know it alls that are able to speak their minds and because they have a platform people listen! Do you think they have a clue? Many of them barely finished high school! I wish citizens today were like our parents and grandparents were fifty years ago. This country stuck together no matter what. That's what's made you and I the way we are and in turn made this country what it is today, economically, socially and spiritually. I'm just afraid it's all fading...that's the way it looks to me.


At 5:12 PM , Blogger Cowtown Pattie said...

Yes, we should pull together more, but its never been a sure thing unless we are being threatened by either natural disasters or our own man-made ones.

I would like to say something positive about George...


He seems to have a great tailor! Wears very nice suits. But then, who wouldn't if you were a Bush Platinum child...oops!

Sorry, Banj, I couldn't stay serious.


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