March 14, 2006

New Boom

Wired magazine along with other pb's report that the new age of internet is indeed a "boom." Not a "bubble" as we witnessed in the late 90's, because bubbles break. This is a full fledged boom that is beginning to take place NOW. They report that there is a buzz in silicon valley and that there are rumors of 7 figure signing bonuses coming from the leading (or soon to be) companies. The interesting thing about all of this is that it seems that some of the things that were set sail during the "bubble" are still on course and have become what they were predicted to be, even as the bubble went south and left so many unemployed the plans made during that era perservered. Plans such as widespread high speed connections, i.e. DSL. On line shopping, bought anything at all lately?

I'm excited about this. There are many solid companies with solid financial backing that are todays players. Pay close attention. If you are over twenty years old, you may start to notice something very familiar. Something that may get a whole lot better.


At 4:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hockey rules!



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