February 11, 2005


josh williams
Originally uploaded by banj.
i'm going to probably rant. So if you hate blogs with radical posts about crap you couldn't care less about, you probably should move on. If you are interested in music AT ALL, then please read on...

Bluegrass music began as it's current form in the 1930's, as Bill and Charlie Monroe made their own progress in the country music scene with Billl joining the Grand Ole Opry with the bluegrass boys in 1939.

Most people view bluegrass as "hillbilly" music, but the truth is that much of todays new country and even R&B and blues came from the the 1800's banjo, fiddle and guitar tunes that ulitmately today is known as bluegrass music.

I get frustrated as fans talk about Texas music, or good ole country music or pop and R&B and how they appreciate the "artistry" in it, but deny the significance of from where it came. I have known many mainstream musicians who have played bluegrass for the first time and realized that it was much, much, much more intricate than they ever realized. There is much freespace to take into consideration and the harmonies and architecture of the music in general is very difficult. Some just blow it off as being backward.

Remember the "unplugged" era? Everybody and their dog were recording uncut versions of their music. No, it wasn't necessarilty bluegrass, but much of it followed the raw sound of the music and it showed who had the talent outside of the studio and who didn't.

Here's a cd cover of some very good, driving and currently released bluegrass. It's Josh Williams. He's in his early 20's. What an artist! Pick it up or download a song or two from "Itunes" or your fave music site. Then listen real goood....Great stuff!

Ok, I'm done.


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