September 03, 2005


The big news now is New Orleans, where so many suffer. If you have not given something to some charity to help these poor people please do so. I've given a small amount of money, but have given in a bigger way by coordinating a station effort for the Red Cross in which we raised somewhere around $25,000 on Friday alone. All of it to go straight to that effort, whether it be in Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Biloxi or wherever. People have been so giving. I've seen little ladies in walkers come up to us and push as much as $250 in cash into our cans. People who you know don't have a lot of means give a $100 bill and say that those folks in the gulf need it more than them. I've seen young teens walk up and offer $2 and people pulling big boats with new trucks give us $1,000 at a time. Every little bit really does help.

More than anything, offer up a prayer for these people. I wish there was a way to make it all better at once but there is not. Whether they be cajun, black, white or some other nationality, I don't care. I just want them to get their lives back as soon as possible.

I haven't posted because I've been running over the past days it seems. But I wanna get deeper into this relief effort here. I want to see what the government does to expidite and what response the mayor of New Orleans and the Govenor of Louisiana continue to give.

May the Lord bless them all...

I'd like to hear your thoughts.


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