Look! A Post!
I'm not motivated anymore. Posting here is a waste of time for me. I've got too much other stuff going on. I know that I have a couple of regular readers, the rest of you...I don't know what your gig is. I get about 80 visits a week, that is when I'm keeping it all up to date. And I know it's not the same two people coming in 40 times each every 7 days, so what gives?
I guess the content is not compelling enough to move the reader. I know, sometimes it's pretty boring (I never claimed that it wasn't). But when I get into the guts of a subject, no one seems to really care much about that either. No, I'm not on a pity wagon, I actually don't care. I guess the only thing that bothers me is that I read other blogs hosted by some who couldn't write their way out of a paper bag, have no creativity and their posts are consistantly full of comments. Some of these sites are made of stuff you wouldn't want your kids reading, yet people respond.
I wanted more than a diary. I could keep that in a stupid little book in my sock drawer. I'm considering the big "d" here. That way I'd only have DFW Acoustics to deal with. I've actually discovered some pretty flattering comments on that site from place to place.
So what do you think? Does anyone care? Hello?