December 31, 2006

The Cliche' of Resolutions

I don't do new years resolutions. They don't work. I have a hard enough time motivating myself to do things on any given day of the year, so I don't need a special time to try and start over. I've got lot's of things I need to do better; losing weight (again) and taking better care of myself, working on new songs, writing more, just be a better person to everyone around me and most of all, spend more time studying bible teachings. Now understand, those are not "new years" resolutions, they're "ongoing" resolutions. How 'bout you?

December 27, 2006

Oklahoma Backwoods

Kiamichi River, originally uploaded by banj.

We took a quick trip up to McAlester, Oklahoma the day after Christmas. It seems my phone took a ride along with food and other packages returning home.

After we picked up the phone, visited for a spell, and picked up Italian groceries from Lovera's in Krebs, we made our way back to Texas via State Hwy. 2. It routes you to near Talahina, through the town of Clayton and comes out south at Antlers.

This is a picture of the Kiamichi River. It winds it's way through the Jack Fork Mountains in southeastern Oklahoma. I hadn't seen in many years, I suppose it's been since my performing days with a band of the same name.

Ms. and I parked the car on the side of our desolate roadway and walked on to this very narrow bridge to listen to the sounds of the rushing waters and to get a better view. It's the stuff I write songs about. As you can see, the sun was just setting. and except for the sounds of the water It was an extremely quiet time, very back to nature.

December 26, 2006

Black and Red

Black and Red, originally uploaded by banj.

Here's what two spoiled dogs do on Christmas.

December 18, 2006

I Was Getting Published

I recently sent in a Poem to a regionally distributed magazine. Having been a writer of songs and poems for as long as I can remember, I would consider myself a poet. And like most who write, believe very little of it is worthy of anything except my own pondering. Although this particular poem was something I've been more proud of over the last few years.

In my sock drawer and still on the same paper that it was originally written while sitting on an Ozark mountainside at daybreak on a very cold, wet, foggy winter morning, this was nothing dreamed up at the kitchen table. It has character.

Well over a month ago, I decided to send the magazine a copy along with a release for publish. After waiting and hearing nothing, finally last week, an email arrived. I was at first excited to learn that they wanted to publish the poem! But, they wanted to edit.

After a few days and nights of consideration (even at 3 a.m.), I agreed to let them edit. Not to publish, just to edit. I thought "what the harm?" as it's only to see what they would do with my work. After all, "I might learn something!"

On Thursday of last week I received the edited version. To my frustratoin whole lines were re-arranged, words were substituted, and the title was even changed! "What the...?" The publisher insisted that my work was good but that "editors make bad writing readable, and good writing great." I was thinking he meant that I fell into the latter.

Over the next two days, he seemed to take great pains to explain to me terms like "pathetic fallacy" and "religious-philosophical ideas." His opinion was that this type of writing compared with the works of William Wordsworth. My question was "if you can identify my style of writing, then it must be a recognizable form, why this need to change it?" I feel like he was over analyzing. My daughter who's creative writing earned her a Chancellor's scholoarship to Arkansas described their re-write as "dumbed down." I agreed.

After much thought and struggle, (I've always dreamed of having my work published) I reluctantly asked to withdraw my submission to the magazine, as what they wanted to publish was simply not my work. They agreed to shred the copy, but left off by asking me to submit more of my work in the near future. The only sense I can make of that, is that the writing was indeed something they saw worthy of consideration. If only they'd just left it alone.

December 17, 2006

Weather...Holiday Mood

I don't like this weather. I can't get into the swing of the Christmas season, even though we've got a great tree, great Christmas lights outside, presents, parties and are greatly blessed. It's the reason I keep threatening to move back to the hills.

We went to the Brazilian Cafe yesterday for lunch. It was ironic. Fake snow on the windows and 80 and clear outside. I'm not a fan.

December 13, 2006

Weather Update...

I'm not one of the people who simply "love this weather we're having." My goodness it's Christmas! And not only that, I enjoy the winter. We can get 70 and 80 degree temps anytime during the year, so I wish we'd be spared when it comes to December.

You meet people in Texas who are just thrilled to have weather such as this at a time when the calendar says that winter is a week away. I don't like it. It helps to numb my Christmas spirit. And since I really enjoy the season with all that it has to offer, I don't need the feeling impaired by 80 and clear.

Hoping that we get some cool down after the weekend, I do see rain in the forecast. I don't know about you, but I'm crossing my fingers Dallas.

December 08, 2006

There's a million...

I've got a ton of things going on this time of year. I just got a call from the guys in Fayetteville telling me they are going to try and play Saturday night. One of them is flying in from Portland for a week, so they're looking to jam out. There are so many other things I could do this weekend that I'm feeling I should stay here. On the flip side of things, I spent 30 minutes on the phone yesterday complaining about some of the stuff going on in my local band that is starting to grind on my nerves. Maybe a trip to the hills would help me to refocus on the music.

I've always had a hard time working with some groups. I'm hard to satisfy. It's not that I'm anyway near perfect. There are many banjoists that are certainly better than I am and millions of guys and gals that do a better job singing and playing the guitar. But, there are certain things that have to do with practice v.s. performance where I demand perfection. I'm not talking about subtle mistakes like missing a chord change or not being there on the first downbeat. It's more like blatantly forgetting a progression or completely losing timing or forgetting whos in the 3rds or 5ths on the harmony. (Here I go again.)

Sometimes traditional bluegrass bands make me crazy. Yea, I might need to make a trip.

December 04, 2006

Holiday Cheer

I've picked up two new cd's this year, James Taylor at Christmas and Sarah Mclachlan's Wintersong. Both are great! I was actually surprised at Sarah's cd. They've put quite a bit of production into what are mostly traditional songs. There's more at How bout yourself? Do you have a cd that stands out for the holidays, old or new? I'm going to try and find time to compile my list.